Sample of Early Voting Toolkit (2024)
The new election laws have changed the election cycle and rhythm, and we need to learn how to carry the tune. You can help get out the vote with this reproducible, adaptable, inexpensive, nonpartisan Early Voting display. We've put together all the pieces for you. Tips on where to purchase supplies (We love the Dollar store!) and printable flyers and business cards to hand out. This is meant to be used MULTIPLE times during the election cycle to introduce this new song and dance the Democrats have given us. Please share!
Our members have already started requesting time and space to display and volunteer for Early 2024. If you'd like to join us, you can volunteer with us, and even become a member of our local club. Please contact us with any questions or how we can help you and your organization be a part of this initiative to Get Out the Vote.
Here's the PowerPoint to walk you through the early voting changes for 2024 and the display resources we've put together.

Tip: Focus on one election
cycle at a time.
47 Days of Early
In-Person Voting
That's right. We now have 47 days of in-person voting here in MN. No more excuses! We can find what's on our ballot, and as soon as we're ready, Go Vote! Here's the schedule for the 2024 voting cycle. That gives us time and multiple opportunities to educate our voters and get them involved and participating in the election process.

Don't wait, pick your date!

Nonpartisan Voter Educations
This is nonpartisan (which means it can be displayed in places like churches and schools), but we are looking for Republican rich target audiences. It requires volunteers who understand the changes in the voting schedule and rules, so we've provided some training HERE. We also have an abbreviated Toolkit Slideshow with just the supplies you'll need.

Tip: I would recommend helium balloons
if you're inside. Always a great eye
Downloads for your Toolkit
Included in Download Zip file:
Printable Pages QR codes (.docx) plus separate QR code to print (.jpg, .png):
Early Voting Locations QR
2-Sided Flyer
Voter Business Card with QR
Election Label Titles